The SIGMA balance and proprioception training platform is a universal device, equipped with a sensor and a swing angle assessment system. Each platform position is accurately recorded and the results are displayed on the monitor. SIGMA is a device that supports the rehabilitation of post-traumatic, postoperative, orthopaedic and neurological patients.

rehabilitacyjna platforma do treningu równowagi i propriocepcji w Gdyni

Balance and proprioception training

  • The patient completes exercises in one or more planes.
  • The platform can be used in a standing or sitting position and the treatment can involve one or both legs.
  • The rehabilitated person receives audible and visual information during the exercises.
  • A wide selection of training plans allows for an individual selection of a plan suitable for the needs and capabilities of the patient.

Other machines

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    +48 730 300 880

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    ul. Batorego 7, 81-365 Gdynia

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